About me
Hi! My name is Francisco E. Paez, and this is my awesome homepage (always under construction.)
I have a Computer Science PhD from UNS and got my grad degree at Computer Science from UNPSJB. I am a JTP (Jefe de Trabajos PrĂ¡ticos) at UNPSJB and a member of the Real-Time Systems Group at UNPSJB on Puerto Madryn.
Research areas
My primary research areas are real-time and embedded systems, in particular real-time operating systems, schedulability methods, memory administration and the design and verification of real-time systems.
My publications
Check out some of my publications at the Real-Time Systems Group's publication page.
Visit my profiles at Google Scholar and ResearchGate for more info.
I use both Windows and Linux as personal operating systems, as sooner or later both of them will make you mourn someday.
Said that, I really like free software, and kind of support it. And I think that you too should do it :)
My other interests...
- I'm a amateur photographer. You could see my photos on Flickr.
- Not a music freak, but I'm into it. Check what i'm listening in last.fm.
- I really, really, really like to read. Specially science-fiction literature. An (incomplete) list of books that i have read is here.